Incomplete Goodbyes

I guess the only thing one can feel about incomplete goodbyes is just regret.

It all happened so fast, all in a matter of 2-3 days(?) and things changed just like that. 

I really really really miss A07, no doubt. They're such a peaceful and fun bunch at the same time. 

Our very first selfie using the rod thingy HAHA 

It's candid photos like this that make me realise how bonded as a class we actually were, compared to what I had initially imagined. Literally everyone's smiling!!!!! 

De Table + Bernice. Gonna miss seeing all you guys every single morning and asking you guys to follow me to the canteen to buy waffles + my coffee. No more morning conversations :( 

and what am I going to do without the both of you!! my two favourite  people in A07, always listening to my trash talks and being retarded with me in and out of class....

ANIMALS. You guys are the reason why I actually bothered going to school everyday (besides the days I didn't) HAHA. If it weren't for y'all, I think there would be absolutely no meaning for me to come at all. Breaks with you guys are always so refreshing.

Yep, you guessed it. The pics aren't in order at all. HAHHA anyway I REALLY love this picture of us. No specific reason. 

yknow what I really like about this is that regardless of where we came from, which stream or class we were previously from, what matters is our friendship's so strong right now. I'm really grateful for the fact that Bernice left with me because otherwise I would feel so damn lost right now. 


With every ending comes a new beginning.. 

So here's what's been happening the past week. 

Selfie with my laptop sleeve because I've never had a lappy small/light enough to fit into one. HAHHAA say goodbye to ancient laptops!! 

Since I've proclaimed myself as a selfie princess, must take selfie after changing my hair colour right? HAHA but I was upset because the colour didn't turn out as light as I wanted to be. To make things worse, the colour turns darker after every wash? Is this even supposed to happen argh :( 

aaaaand new classmates! They're a really fun bunch hehe. Here's Xinhui! She's really similar to me in terms of our personalities. We clicked almost instantly and realised how much we have in common! 

Although it's only been a few days, I already love my class pretty much hahaha. Perhaps it's because everyone's really vocal compared to how it is in JC! Got to fiddle around with the DSLR haha

I've got magic powers!!! 

Those close to me would most probably know that I'm such a white girl hahahaha if possible I would wanna have a daily dose of Starbucks. And so, 1-for-1 was something I simply could NOT miss. Say hola to Farhana :)

Alright that sums up everything for now. Till next time x


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My name's Chantal but people call me "chan" for short. Here's where I share bits and pieces of my life with you. Bubbly on the exterior but I could be angsty 24/7 deep inside ahahaha. Gotta love food! Sushiiiii.

I really enjoy travelling and experiencing new things, anytime and anywhere. Give me a camera and I'll start taking shots of almost anything!

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