Pursuit of Happiness

Here's starting off the post with an old(not really) selfie.

Too damn bloody grateful for these people in school, otherwise I wouldn't be as happy as I am today. They're the best mix - Bitchy, optimistic, goth, judgemental, yet real and such caring little munchkins. They're not afraid to say what's wrong and what's right, and disagreements occur everyday. But that doesn't stop us from being how close we are, because we accept each other just the way we are. 

It's also important to be open-minded in all kinds of situations, that's what I've learned over the past years even though I struggled quite a bit in the beginning. I wouldn't say I'm optimistic 24/7, because I'm pretty much moody and anxious all the time. My mood fluctuates so much that I can't keep up with my own emotions sometimes. Am I the only one? 

The funny thing is I was never the kind to get along with girls very well.. It'd all turn out haywire within a few days or just 2-3 weeks. That's why I've always preferred male friends over female ones - but things always turned out wrong too in a different sense. I'm just really glad to have these girls with me rn because I don't think guys can relate to girl problems as well as the same gender itself. So thanks guys you da best <3 Not forgetting people like Syaff Farah Far and Hammy too ok!

What I love about this class is that there are quite a few people who are my age so I don't really feel old. Plus, I actually feel as tho I'm the youngest given my hype over anything and everything all the time, and my immaturity in a sense.

It has truly taught me why age doesn't mean anything, because younger people may be even more mature than older ones. Hence, maturity holds more water than age. 

Photobooth game's going really strong. Projects are coming in now and it's starting to be a little bit hectic and stressful in the sense that I only know how to procrastinate, and everything's piling up. I'm gonna have to clear up the shit soon..

Got my nails done on Wednesday with Daphne! Guess which is mine? Haha it's actually kinda obvious though. I think blue and orange go really really well together because of the contrast. And somehow blue and orange just seem so conflicting yet complimentary, do you get me? Whenever I see that colour combination I just go crazy. 

Luv u my bbg. 

Got kinda embarrassed while taking my OOTD pic cos so many people were walking by.. HAHAA so I decided to sit down and act tired or smth

Yay my ootd! Btw from this picture I finally realised how "ombred" my hair looks. Maybe not ombred, it looks as if my brown hair grew out and my roots are just black/dark brown now. Sobs, need to do something about it really soon.

Meet Elizabeth, one of the ppl I adore in class because she's the same age as me and can relate pretty well! Super down to earth too, always gives me subtle reminders to stay rooted to the ground. Also really hardworking. Best package ever! 

More pics from the past few days.

"Lizzy why are you so reluctant to receive hugs from me"

aaaaand they took a selfie with my lappy when I wasn't around. 

Btw say hi to Regine!!!!!!! Popz girl in our class ok don't play play. Read her blog here hehe

Sorry for the distortion of details (and the flood of pictures).. I kinda did the post at different times over the period of two days. So many emotions, but I don't know how to put them in words. All I can say is.. Life has been moving so quickly to the point that I didn't know what I was doing anymore. And a person very close to me once said, 

"Don't be too happy, otherwise something bad would happen." 

I would disregard this advice time and again whenever I'm happy. As humans, wouldn't the most important thing in life be achieving life-long happiness? If so, why does something always have to hinder that from being long-term? Is it really a bad thing to have found something that has made you perhaps the happiest person on Earth? 

Then I realised, nothing lasts forever. At least I was happy for that period of time.. and something else will come along to provide happiness again. You see, in life we're gonna experience many things, and it's gonna bring you different types of happiness whether you like or not. Could be expected, could be unexpected. But I guess that's what keeps you going, it's the curiosity. 

Which is why having a trusty group of friends with you is the best. I really miss the people in TPJ tho, they're so dear to me like family as well. Especially the Animals! Thank god Bernice is here with me in sp tho hehe 

I would say Rachel and I are pretty coordinated in terms of colours pretty often, we've been coincidentally wearing the same colours a lot HAHAHA

Allowed Rachy to feel tall for awhile

Was discussing how to take an OOTD, how to pose etc. I swear we're the most awkward bunch even though we behave like the most shameless people ever. How to take nice photos?!?!?!?!??!

Would've been much better if Lynn the Lion was here too :(

My favourite picture for the day!!!!!!!!!!! also the only proper photo we took after 98762375932984523 tries

Here's me right after I boarded the train. Was too tired to care about the world so I just sat down immediately. Like Lizzy would say, "At least you don't have to give up any seats". Look at my satisfied face man HAHAHHAA 


Anyway I've been receiving several questions regarding my nails so um here's what I have to say about them. Firstly they're baby/pastel blue I guess? And yes it's gelish!! But I guess you can achieve the same colour with normal nail polish too, just that I don't think it'd be so vibrant or long lasting. Andddd I did it for pretty cheap, and the price ranged from about $15-25, depending on what you opted for. Somewhere in Bugis Street! I can't remember the exact shop, I'm so sorry. 

This is how it looks under fluorescent light!

Don't know how many times I've mentioned this on twitter but I really wish I had longer nails. They look so much better with nail polish on, and are the most ideal for french manicure! Sucks to be a girl, spending money seems almost as easy as drinking water. 

Alright I shall end my post here, thanks for reading my blog I'm so so so so so grateful for all of you readers bcos I don't think I would read my own blog HAHAHA, or that anyone would've for that matter so thank you very much again :D Making this blogging thing a weekly affair so I can let off some weekly emotions huhuhu. Hope you guys had a great week and will have many great ones ahead! x


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My name's Chantal but people call me "chan" for short. Here's where I share bits and pieces of my life with you. Bubbly on the exterior but I could be angsty 24/7 deep inside ahahaha. Gotta love food! Sushiiiii.

I really enjoy travelling and experiencing new things, anytime and anywhere. Give me a camera and I'll start taking shots of almost anything!

So here's how the blog posts go, it starts out with a little tinge of my everyday life and then we venture into something I'd like to call the Main Dish. Enjoy!

I post pictures at @chantalkatharine on Instagram. Feel free to follow me :)

Contact me at: chantalkatharine@gmail.com :)



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