Black & White

"If only things could turn out the way we wanted it to be all the time, life would've been so beautiful."

Really? Do you think so?.. I actually think life would lose its meaning if it were to work so systematically and expectedly. After all, life's meant to be full of surprises, isn't it? 

That aside, hi I'm back. Just thought of updating this space a little bit more because I've been really bored and wanted to fill this space up further. OP's tomorrow and I'm finally feeling the pinch and getting all worried. It's the first slot and I really don't know how it's gonna then out. I'm gonna be speaking in front of a crowd.. Doesn't seem so scary now but I'm pretty sure I'll get a panic attack tomorrow. 


So I'm blogging using my phone now. Taking a break from everything.. I feel so exhausted. I don't really know why but it seems so many things have happened in the past few weeks and I just lost all my emotions. I hardly feel upset or happy anymore, it's just numbness. Personally I actually think being numb is far worse than feeling hurt or angry. Because it means you can't and won't feel anything at all, even when it's supposed to bum to out the most.. It's really scary when you really stop to think about it. I just wish for the best and hope that nothing big happens anymore. I don't think my heart can take it. 

Just a few more days and I will be free. I don't know whether I should be happy or worried that my future awaits me. I'm really afraid to choose my path. What if I make the wrong choice? 

Ending off my post with a picture of Maki & his pal. X 


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My name's Chantal but people call me "chan" for short. Here's where I share bits and pieces of my life with you. Bubbly on the exterior but I could be angsty 24/7 deep inside ahahaha. Gotta love food! Sushiiiii.

I really enjoy travelling and experiencing new things, anytime and anywhere. Give me a camera and I'll start taking shots of almost anything!

So here's how the blog posts go, it starts out with a little tinge of my everyday life and then we venture into something I'd like to call the Main Dish. Enjoy!

I post pictures at @chantalkatharine on Instagram. Feel free to follow me :)

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