You must probably be wondering what's up with my title.
Lol, tbh there's no link, just that I got loads of mozzie bites prior to this post. HAHHAHA. School has been fun every single day, and it's really cool how I look forward to it all the time. It's been a long while since I felt that way. So many new "dreams" in this new environment, I feel as though 24 hours a day really isn't enough! The worst part is, I really don't know what to wear everyday. The girls in my course seem to have multiple closets or something, they hardly even repeat entire outfits. :( Sigh sponsors pls. *prays*
More pictures from lessons with my girlies and wonderful classmates from the other day hehehe
Apparently Lynn didn't wanna accept our love.
Have I ever mentioned how much I absolutely HATE having bigass pimples on my forehead
Rachel being a cute little retard HAHA
All of these were taken during VPDP, once again. Tbh though I really suck at using a DSLR, i really love this class because it's so hands-on and we can walk around taking pics of ourselves and just have fun. It's all about the experience, isn't it?
Pics from Friday's lessons!
Apparently Lynn didn't wanna accept our love.
Have I ever mentioned how much I absolutely HATE having bigass pimples on my forehead
Rachel being a cute little retard HAHA
My "zing" with Rachel <3
Pics from Friday's lessons!
why nobody talk to me
We're seriously the Powerpuff Girls. No, seriously.
Um perhaps offering my love to you
If you're wondering why I was tryna do so many hand gestures, it's because I was trying to get the hearts/birds to move near my hands. One day I'll know how to make the birds move towards me hekhekhek
Went to some place after school with em girlies and got mozzie bites within 10 minutes. (Hence the title because mozzie bites are disturbing me ugh)
Xin Hui: "Eh what's that ah"
I really wish I owned a DSLR so I didn't have to worry bout taking pictures in the evening.
Xin Hui's so fierce. But I love her nonetheless because she always laughs at/with me no matter how ridiculous I am.
Favourite picture of myself for the day.
My eyes are really small under sunlight. HAHA
Scared of us already not HAHHAA
Xin Hui I think this is like an appreciation post for you pls. But anyway yup I'm really grateful to have met you. You're the first person I ever clicked so well with in the course/class. It's as though I found my long lost sister in you. It's funny how I regard you as my older sis when you're really a year younger than me. I should feel old rn :(
My fav pics of her! *ahem because I took them* AHAHA kidding but yeah I love the background.
I was rly tired at this point already, so I decided to look at the ground so I didn't have to smile or anything. Btw do you notice how photogenic Lynn is wtf
So I was playing around with my hair curler and was really thinking if I should have curly hair or just stick with what I have now.
Actually there's only one pic of me here in curly hair HAHAHHA but ok confession, the main point of uploading the pics was to dump it here and delete it off my phone. And since several of you were wondering what app I use for my photo filters, it's Mextures. Not sure if it's still a paid app but it's REALLY GOOD. I strongly recommend it!!!! You can create your own "formulae" for future photos too. Have fun guys! Till next time x
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